polygonal labyrinth
the bastille
san quentin
ice fort
haunted manor
defense tower
social sciences and humanities building (aka "deathstar") at uc davis
5:20PM on monday and tuesday november 22nd and 23rd 2021
classification: a place comprised of liminal non-places (hallways, elevators, walkways, stairs, etc.)

as I explore the non-places within this very well-known place at uc davis, I tried to understand how this may connect to the concepts of non-places, liminality, transduction, or nostalgia. in the end, I have decided to characterize the social sciences and humanities building as a maze in which the various hallways, stairs, elevators, and walkways are the routes that may hopefully lead a traveller to the end goal, which is likely a classroom. by looking at this place through those lens.
welcome to: deathstar
next stop: abandoned